Design – Everything But the Kitchen Sink
This may sound like a phrase to you, but for our designers – it is reality. Let’s start with „small“ things: we designed uniforms and props for over 50 promoters from tutu skirts to tote bags. In this „featherweight category“ our designers worked on incredible sales catalogues, professional publications, brochures, flyers and a series of promotional props.
Our BLT campaigns are widely recognized as big productions. To name a few: Campaign 1 – 11 promo reps, 2 days in each of the five different cities, over 11,000 gifts; Campaign 2 – 4 promo reps, 3x2m photo-wall with 2x2m floor sticker, 4 freestanding props 1x1m and an info desk. Still not impressed? Fine. Try transporting four plywood boxes 1x1 m big to a different city each day. With a fotographer. Four promo reps. And another 10 smaller boxes. For two weeks. We never thought it would be a problem. Fortunately, we haven’t transported a train wagon yet, but we have done a great infographic for a railway company. And so on... We are sure to get to kitchen sinks some day soon...